For suppliers

We choose only the best suppliers!

Realizing that the success of our business depends on work of our suppliers, we carefully approach the selection of our partners.

In suppliers, we particularly appreciate the following:

  • Positive reputation
  • Systemic approach
  • Transparency
  • Development and innovation
  • Competitive offers

We back the process approach in collaboration with suppliers, and require them to have standardized procedures that are an integral part of the existing enterprise quality management system.

Our suppliers of raw materials and equipment, technologies and services are developing together with us, opening new opportunities for themselves.

Together we are committed to establish production of European quality in Ukraine that would be demanded around the world, at the same time taking care of the environment, people and their needs.

If your company is in line with our principles, and our goals are close to you, your are welcome to cooperate!

By filling out the form, you will make the first step to a successful cooperation with YUKO.

Application for cooperation